Vaughan Bradley: I learn something new every day. Well actually, I learn something old (but new to me) if you get what I mean. Research is my passion - I think I missed my calling as a journalist, so going down a historical rabbit hole is the next best thing!
Sue Asplin: Working with old photographs is intriguing. I love zooming in to look at the detail – it’s amazing what you can see when photos are scanned at high resolution. I find all sorts of fascinating things, often in the backgrounds – like a child standing in a doorway, a sign, a dog, a face I recognise, a building I never noticed before, clothing styles, brooches, hats – it’s like looking through a magnifying glass into the past.
Helen Cook: Believe it or not, my job requires a fair bit of detective work. This can be very satisfying, especially when I dig up new information. Some collection items have a very sparse catalogue record (or no record at all), so we need to decide if they are suitable to stay in the collection. I really enjoy investigating their stories, like trying to find out who donated them, where they came from and whether they are significant to our local heritage. We now have a rigorous process for accepting items into the collection and detective work is still necessary.